Sunday 4 September 2011

And I want all the world to see we've met

gor·geous [’gôrjəs]


1. Splendid or sumptuous in appearance, coloring, etc.; magnificent: a gorgeous gown; a gorgeous sunset.

2. Informal . extremely good, enjoyable, or pleasant: I had a gorgeous time.

If I were to use this word in a sentence it would go something like this:

I met this gorgeous girl at Trapper John’s last night.

The night I met her was everything bit of a chance occurrence. I had just gotten back from Europe and was celebrating the high of being in a different place. It just so happened that my friends and I decided to go to Trapper John’s (a bar on George Street).

And that is where I met her.

I remember walking in; drawn to the back of the bar by the music. Surrounded by a faceless crowd she stood out absolutely beautiful. I don’t know what pulled me toward her but I found myself lined in her sights. It was like my body refused to listen to my brain because my arms were forwardly wrapped around her. My eyes were interlocked with hers. It seemed like no one else was in the bar but us.

And then we kissed!

We kissed and it was like everything that was missing in my life was right in front of me.

I don’t think she even knew my name at this point. It was difficult to talk over the noise of the people and music. So shadowed by our friends we dashed out of the bar to chat the night away. Sitting on a decorative black post we delved into each other. The tidbits she shared about her life enamored me. Even though I had only met her, I could swear I had known her all my life.

Our obligations forced us to part ways but not without exchanging information. I remember lying on my friend’s couch, flirtatiously texting with this wonderful girl I just met. At the close, I lied there replaying the moments and how this could have happened. I fell asleep that night excitedly thinking about the next time I would be with her again!

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